Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Dear My Friends

Hey, dear :)
Are you fine in there? I hope you are fine.

Dear, I know that this post will never  read by you.. Because you don’t know that I write this to you. It is okay. I just want to say something to you. Something important. Because you ever become my precious  friend I ever had. (ねえ、だいじょうぶか あなた は?げんきですか?私のことを覚えてますか?)

Well, we promise and dream, that someday we will met each other and together. Go to somewhere together, Travel together, laugh together, holiday together and take picture together. Hmm beautiful dream, right? Even our distance getting far, even our communication getting worst, but please believe, that we can reach it no matter what happen. I hope that our friendship relationship is stronger than before. 約束 だろう ねえ~? 

Do you know? it is okay, you leave me, if it make you fine. . Or if you have a new friends that the gratitude or the atitude is better than me. If that friends more support you and your life more comfortable with your friends. And he/she can always be by your side. I'll let you go. With pleasure,  I'll let you go, if with let you go it will make you happier. Go, keep moving forward.   I wish and hope for you to be happy. From the bottom of my heart
ごめん ねえ、sorry if I can not become naru-chan that try so hard to chase and bring back his best friends. I can not become that.  But I'll always pray for you,and I hope that Allah protect you. 
Nee, but if you hurt by your friends, please remember, that I still your behind, smiling to you. Cause you are still my friend dear. But if you don’t want to tell me, just remember, that Allah always be by your side and hear your cry and know what happen with you.忘れないで、おねがい~

After all, I want to say thank you to you. Thank you so much. Thank you for become one of  my best friend I ever had. Thank you, cause you always listen my story, my happiness, my sadness etc. Everything  story. Thank you for you are always in my side. Hug me, erase my tears, and motivate me.
Thank you. Arigatou Gozaimasu dear.  :) ありがとう ございます~